Square Central - Your home away from home!
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since 05.31.2000

Square Central - http://squarecentral.freeservers.com/


Wednesday, 05.31.2000 - 13:29 EST - Ok, I have recieved a few E-Mails stating that the old site was better. Well E-Mail me again telling what is wrong with this one so that I can improve it. I am going to be placing a poll here soon, asking which site was better. Also, I am gonna start to make like a kinda staff thing, so if you want to help work on the site, please E-Mail me saying what you would like to do. Thats all for now. Later!


Tuesday, 05.30.2000 - 23:39 EST - Lot's of updates happening this time. Much more stuff in the Final Fantasy, and the Final Fantasy 8 sections. Make sure you check them out. Plus, Square Central needs to get some hits, we are looking for some people to become Affilites so check that out too. I will inform you if there are any more updates going on.


Tuesday, 05.23.2000 - 02:55 EST - Welcome to Square Central, a site dedicated to all games made by Squaresoft. I have just started the site so there is not much here at all. The only games that have information are Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy 8. Well anyway...enjoy the site! :)